Make earlier sense of complex patient behaviours

Melo improves the understanding of challenging behaviour across various patient groups (neuro rehab, dementia, PTSD).

Simplified patient assessments, together with graphs & smart analytics, support clinicians in making improved evidence-based care decisions and ultimately, better manage the impact of escalating behaviour patterns and reduce incidents.

Working in partnership with:


Melo facilitates better decisions around behavioural management through intuitive data collection, visualisation, & predictive analytics.


Spot early signs of escalation

via our quick observations module to keep track of day-to-day changes in behaviour, mood, and patient activity (sleep, medication & pain).


Conduct smart assessments of patient behaviour

via our range of clinically validated, NICE approved risk frameworks in order to understand changes across your patient groups.


Streamlined incident reporting

for when behaviour does escalate - so that you and your team have the right information at your fingertips to review and learn from when things don’t go as planned.


Full suite of realtime dashboards

with different levels of access control - so that individuals and teams can see what’s going on at any point in time an individual patient, ward, or entire organisation.


Effective intervention planning & library of training resources

improve team communications with a centralised record of all preventative measures you are putting into place to keep your patients and staff from the risk of harm - including staff access to a suite of training resources, videos, & guides.


Accessible, secure, & interoperable

works on all devices via our secure cloud environment, and will be fully DTAC compliant for launch.


Our commitment to clinical & technical compliance


Looking after patient data is our number one priority. To do this we have ensured that security and clinical safety have been built into Melo from day one.


Melo has been certified by ORCHA - the global leader in helping healthcare professionals and the public find trusted health apps - rigorously assessing new innovations against 350+ criteria points, covering:

🏥 Clinical/Professional Assurance

🔒 Data & Privacy

🌐 Usability & Accessibility

Inadequate understanding of behavioural risks costs the NHS £2.5bn per annum* through adverse incidents & staff turnover.


brain injury patients admitted each year**


patients are aggressive in the first 6 months (post injury)***


violent & aggressive incidents****

*£2.5bn cost - Senior M, Fazel S, Tsiachristas A. The economic impact of violence perpetration in severe mental illness: a retrospective, prevalence-based analysis in England and Wales. The Lancet Public Health (2020) **1.4m patients - National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: Guidance. Head injury: triage, assessment, investigation and early management of head injury in children, young people and adults. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2014) ***34% are aggressive - Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Clinical correlates of aggressive behaviour after traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci (2003) ****70k incidents - Health NCCfM, editor Violence and aggression: Short-term management in mental health, health and community settings: British Psychological Society (2015)

Dr Alistair Teager

We are excited to be working with Decently to share our specialist insight, to help ensure Melo is built in the right way and ultimately helps clinicians make better decisions for our patients.

- Dr Alistair Teager, Northern Care Alliance NHS Trust

Melo is live across selected NHS sites

Would you like to find out more, or discuss how Melo could potentially be used in your organisation?

Then drop us a line and we will get in touch for a chat.